In the State of Florida, there is a mathematical formula used to determine the amount of alimony ordered by the Judge. This formula is contained within the Child Support Guidelines Worksheet which can be found here. This Worksheet includes information regarding each parties' income, the child care costs for the minor children, the amount of overnights each parent spends with the children along with other financial information. Talk to your Orlando Child Support Lawyer at Marsh Family Law to determine how much you will paying or receiving in child support as a result of your Divorce.
Since incomes are ever changing, there are certain situations which merit an automatic modification of child support. Other times, certain criteria must be met in order for the Judge to modify child support. These include involuntary loss of income, disability, a substantial change in the Visitation or Time Sharing, among other factors.. Talk to your lawyer at Marsh Family Law to find out if your child support may be modifiable.
There are many factors the Court can consider when deviating up or down from the Child Support Guidelines. Some of these include extraordinary medical expenses of the child, a rotating parenting plan or when the Payor has to pay more than 55% of their gross income, to name a few. Talk to your Child Support Lawyer at Marsh Family Law to see if any of the deviation factors apply to your case. The full list of deviations that the Court can consider can be found in Florida Statute 61.30 (11) and are as follows:
The court may adjust the total minimum child support award, or either or both parents’ share of the total minimum child support award, based upon the following deviation factors:
The obligation to support a child begins at birth and generally terminates when a child reaches the age of majority, is emancipated, dies, marries, or joins the armed forces. A Court may order support for a child beyond age 18 if the child is "between the ages of 18 and 19, and is still in high school, performing in good faith with a reasonable expectation of graduation before the age of 19" F.S. 743.07(2).
It is imperative that a child support order include the correct language regarding the duration of child support especially when there is more than one child. It is a common mis-perception that child support is automatically reduced by half when the first of two children becomes emancipated. This is false. Further, the fact that a child begins to reside with the payor parent does not relieve that parent of his or her child support obligation without a court order. Talk to your Child Support Lawyer at Marsh Family Law about whether your child support order is written correctly as to when it terminates.

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Serving multiple counties in Florida, Rose Marsh ensures accessibility and convenience for clients across a broad geographical area.
In cases where settlement isn't feasible, clients can trust in Rose Marsh's exceptional courtroom litigation skills to secure the best possible outcomes under Florida law.
With over 31 years of dedicated practice in Family Law, Attorney Rose M. Marsh brings a wealth of experience to every case.

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