Currently, Alimony Reform Bill SB 718 is winding its way through the Senate. Recently, SB 718 passed with a vote of 12-2 by the Senate Rules Committee. Next, the Bill will go to the Senate Floor for a Final Vote as early as this week. This bill, in part, seeks to abolish permanent alimony, limit alimony to 50% of the duration of the marriage and severely restrict the trial court Judge in structuring alimony to the particular facts of the case. This is a significant departure from the current law and will most certainly affect your permanent alimony order and pending alimony cases. The full text of the bill can be found here.
Talk to your attorney at Marsh Family Law to see how this important change in the law will affect you.
Under the current law, there are many factors the Judge considers before ordering alimony. Some factors are the length of marriage, the incomes of the parties and the contribution each party made to the marriage and acquisition of assets and liabilities. The specific list of factors include:
The full text of the alimony statute can be found in Florida Statute 61.08 here. Talk to your Orlando Alimony Lawyer at Marsh Family Law to determine if you may be liable to pay alimony as a result of your Divorce.

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